I just received my latest Polymer Cafe magazine and was thrilled to see my miniature Tudor Style house sculpture featured. I actually sold this particular house, but have a similar one for sale at CreativeCritters.artfire.com. I've been making minaiture houses in polmer clay for quite a few years now. I've sold some, and given quite a few as gifts. Each one is OOAK and sculpted by hand. Depending on the size of the house and the amount of detail these houses take a week to three weeks to complete. Ecery leaf, flower, stone, and shngle is individually sculpted by hand. I can tell you, each piece has THOUSANDS of leaves (I tend to count in my head as I'm placing them).I love creating the landscaping as much as the house itself. I really enjoy plants and flowers, and this allows me to create any landscape I can imagine. This is the house that was featured in Polymer Cafe magazine.
And here are the houses available in my shop right now. I have a few new designs in mind, so check back often to see what I add!
Thanks for looking!
-Michelle of CreativeCritters